Respuesta :
//import the Random and Scanner classes
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
//Begin class definition
public class ChangeUp {
//Begin the main method
public static void main(String args[]) {
//Initialize the empty array of 6 elements
int [] numbers = new int [6];
//Call to the populateArray method
} //End of main method
//Method to populate the array and print out the populated array
//Parameter arr is the array to be populated
public static void populateArray(int [] arr){
//Create object of the Random class to generate the random index
Random rand = new Random();
//Create object of the Scanner class to read user's inputs
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
//Initialize a counter variable to control the while loop
int i = 0;
//Begin the while loop. This loop runs as many times as the number of elements in the array - 6 in this case.
while(i < arr.length){
//generate random number using the Random object (rand) created above, and store in an int variable (randomNumber)
int randomNumber = rand.nextInt(6);
//(Optional) Print out a line for formatting purposes
//prompt user to enter a value
System.out.println("Enter a value " + (i + 1));
//Receive the user input using the Scanner object(input) created earlier.
//Store input in an int variable (inputNumber)
int inputNumber = input.nextInt();
//Store the value entered by the user in the array at the index specified by the random number
arr[randomNumber] = inputNumber;
//increment the counter by 1
//(Optional) Print out a line for formatting purposes
//(Optional) Print out a description text
System.out.println("The populated array is : ");
//Print out the array content using enhanced for loop
//separating each element by a space
for(int x: arr){
System.out.print(x + " ");
} //End of populateArray method
} //End of class definition
The code above is written in Java. It contains comments explaining the lines of the code.
This source code together with a sample output has been attached to this response.