For each of the following research scenarios, decide whether the design uses a related sample. If the design uses a related sample, identify whether it uses matched subjects or repeated measures. (Note: Researchers can match subjects by matching particular characteristics, or, in some cases, matched subjects are naturally paired, such as siblings or married couples.) Lorrin Koran has studied whether antidepressants are effective for treating kleptomania. Suppose that people with kleptomania typically score 72 on the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale. You want to see whether kleptomaniacs who are taking antidepressants score lower on the impulsiveness scale than the population average. The design described . You are interested in a potential treatment for compulsive hoarding. You treat a group of 50 compulsive hoarders and compare their scores on the Hoarding Severity Scale before and after the treatment. You want to see if the treatment will lead to lower hoarding scores.
The design described ___________.