Classical Greece and Rome have contributed greatly to our current understanding of democracy. In ancient Greece, citizens were directly responsible for participating in government decisions. In Rome, the citizens elected government officials to make decisions on their behalf as part of a republican government. Both systems of democracy—direct and representative—have influenced the US political system.

After learning about the history of ancient Greece and Rome, what do you think are the benefits of a democratic system? In what ways did democracy serve Greece and Rome? Has there been a time when democracy didn’t serve Greece or Rome in a way that was beneficial? What circumstances contributed to the failures of democracy you learned about in the lessons on ancient Greece and ancient Rome? Are there any potentially negative aspects of democracy? Why or why not?

Respuesta :

Answer: Democracy was having an important role in history, because the Greeks had an important role (political), which led them to developed democracy. Also, Romans had an important role by adding a representative government. As you know people lived under the rule of kings and other rulers who held the power.Mar 23, 2015


Hope i helped!

Answer:De gamle grækere var de første til at skabe et demokrati. Ordet "demokrati" kommer fra to græske ord, der betyder mennesker (demoer) og regel (kratos). Demokrati er tanken om, at borgerne i et land skal spille en aktiv rolle i deres lands regering og forvalte den direkte eller gennem valgte. Det første kendte demokrati i verden var i Athen. Det athenske demokrati udviklede sig omkring det femte århundrede b.C.E. Den græske idé om demokrati var forskellig fra det nuværende demokrati, fordi alle voksne borgere i Athen skulle deltage aktivt i regeringen. Hvis de ikke opfyldte deres pligt, ville de blive.
