Respuesta :

Answer: Depends on the situation.


As humans, we should be concerned about the affairs of other humans regardless of which country they are in. It is with this in mind that proponents of foreign intervention in the affairs of other countries argue their logic.

Sometimes countries find governments in power that are detrimental to the wellbeing of people in the country. These governments could be killing their citizens or denying them rights and in cases like this, it is not hard to see why some propose intervention. Take the Rwandan genocide for instance, more than 800,000 thousand people were killed while the world stood and watched because they did not want to interfere. Look at Ethiopia today - thousands are dying in Tigray but because Ethiopia is asserting it's sovereignty, other countries are not intervening.

Of course there are times where intervention is not such a great solution such as when the intervening country is doing it out of selfish reasons like the British and the French during the Suez crisis. Regardless of this however, it is important that interventions are sometimes done so as to protect the humans in other countries when their government fails to do so because at the end of the day we are all humans, regardless of nationality.