1. A
2. S
3. A
4. A
5. S
We say two words are synonyms when they convey the same meaning. That is the case in options 2 and 5. Take a look at the examples below and see how we can use both words to convey the same idea in the sentences:
- I always thought you were a smart man! = I always thought you were a wise man.
- You look really pretty tonight! = You look really lovely tonight!
On the other hand, we say two words are antonyms when they convey opposite, contrary ideas. That is the case in options 1, 3, and 4. Take a look at the examples below to better understand it:
- This place is not sanitary. = This place is dirty.
- This aisle is not wide. = This aisle is narrow.
- This table is heavy. = This table is not light.
The words above are antonyms. Notice that for them to convey a similar idea, one must be negated: dirty is the opposite of sanitary, thus it means "not sanitary", etc.