
7 It is difficult to describe the bewilderment and confusion of the bees of the bankrupt hive who had been absent at the time of
the cataſtrophe, and who arrived from time to time, with full cargoes from abroad. At first they wheeled about in the air in the
place where the fallen tree had once reared its head, astonished at finding it all a vacuum. At length, as if comprehending their
disaster, they settled down in clusters on a dry branch of a neighbouring tree from whence they seemed to contemplate the
prostrate ruin, and to buzz forth doleful lamentations over the downfall of their republic. It was a scene on which the
'melancholy Jacques' might have moralized by the hour,
"It is difficult to describe the bewilderment and confusion of the bees of the bankrupt hive who had been absent at the time of the
catastrophe, and who arrived from time to time, with full cargoes from abroad." (paragraph 7)
How does this statement relate to the paragraph of which it is a part?
es )
It draws attention to the narrator's love of wildlife.
It introduces the reader to the narrator's false assumptions about the
It draws attention to the narrator's distinctions between bees and other
It introduces the reader to the "character whose plight is being described
in this paragraph.