Blood typing is less expensive and quicker for analyzing blood evidence than DNA profiling. Since many different people share the same type, this blood evidence is considered to be:

Respuesta :



I don't know if there is a technical term for this, but if there is it is "less reliable." than DNA profiling.

However many diseases just need to know the answer to "How many?" rather than something much more accurate.

Leukemia is that way. A patient does not need to know paternity. He/she does not need to know that from birth he was doomed to have something dreadful like leukemia. He/she has it and that's all that matters.

But if there is any good news at all, it is that the answer to "how many" is good enough. Some pre leukemias only need to know if the platelets are really down or if the hemoglobin is down just slightly. If so, all that is needed is a blood transfusion.  Nothing else will do. The alternative is death.