Respuesta :


I was frightened (at that time)

When were you frightened?

The ball rolled (across the floor)

Where did the ball roll?

He ran (with speed)

How did he run?


The adverbial phrases give us information about how, when, where, how much, or in what way something happened.

In the first sentence, the adverbial phrase is at that time. If it talks about time, the question that we should ask is when.

The second adverbial phrase talks about the direction that the ball took, so we should ask where did the ball run?

In the third question, the adverbial phrase is with speed. It is talking about the way that a person ran. The question that we should ask is how did he run?

We use when to ask for the moment that something happened. The word where ask for the location of something. Lastly, we use how to ask for the modality of a verb.