Let's name the friends A, B, C
If person A is first, then B or C could be second and third.
So we have ABC or ACB as two possible outcomes.
If B is first, then either A is second or C is second. Meaning we have BAC or BCA.
If C is first, then we have CAB or CBA
Overall here are the 6 different ways to have the runners finish
Note how for the first slot we have 3 ways to pick the winner. Then after that selection is made, we have 2 choices left, then 1 choice for third place. Therefore, 3*2*1 = 6 different outcomes are possible.
We can use the factorial operation on the calculator to do this with one button press, so we'd say 3! = 6. The exclamation mark means "multiply from 3 down to 1, counting down the whole time".
Another example of a factorial is:
5! = 5*4*3*2*1 = 120