Answer the following questions. Q.1 When sprint races included in Olympic games? Q.2 What do you mean by stagger? Q.3Write the formula of calculating the stagger? Q.4 What are the facts abouts the sprints? Q.5 What is the circumference of relay race bafon?
Q-1. When the modern Olympic Games began in 1896, sprinters ran a 100-meter dash and 400-meter dash. A 200-meter dash was added in 1900, and relay races with teams of four sprinters each were added for the 1912 Games.
Q-2 an arrangement of things in a zigzag formation or so that they are not in line.
Q-3 Stagger = 2 (1.22 x (Lane - 1)) For example, applying the formula to lane six: Stagger = 6.283184 (1.22 x 5) = 6.283184 x 6.1 = 38.327 Therefore, lane six requires a stagger or a start of 38.33 metres to reduce the track length to 400 metres.
Q-4 Sprinting is running over a short distance at the top-most speed of the body in a limited period of time. It is used in many sports that incorporate running, typically as a way of quickly reaching a target or goal, or avoiding or catching an opponent.
Q-5 Between 12 and 13 centimeters.The relay baton is a smooth, hollow, one-piece tube made of wood, metal or another rigid material. It measures between 28 and 30 centimeters long and between 12 and 13 centimeters in circumference. The baton must weigh at least 50 grams.