2. Stars normally convert hydrogen into helium through nuclear fusion. That requires incredibly hot temperatures and high pressure. At the moment, the temperature of empty space is nowhere near warm enough to fuse any elements together. What type of temperature and pressure conditions needed to be present in the early universe in order to create the first hydrogen atoms

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About 4,000 K and 10⁻¹⁷ atm


The Big Bang theory states that the Big Bang which is the origin of the universe was about 13.75 billion years ago, and the temperature a few seconds later was 10³²K

The first element began forming at about 3 minutes after the Big Bang with a temperature of 10⁹ K, the nuclei of simple elements

The nuclei of hydrogen and helium began combine with electrons at a temperature of 3,000 K to 4,000 K to form the first neutral atoms. The pressure of the universe at that stage was 10⁻¹⁷ atmospheres