Write the Spanish translations of the following sentences. Be careful to use ser and estar correctly. Also, remember to have your adjectives agree in number and gender with the subjects.

Pay attention to (a) choosing the correct verb, (b) using the correct form of the verb, and (c) using the correct adjective form.

I am short.
They are ugly.
You are sick.
We are sad.
She is American.
*Note: This is a practice activity. Completing this activity will not only prepare you for future tests and assessments but, more importantly, it will enhance your language ability. This activity will not count towards your grade.

Respuesta :


I  am short =  yo soy bajo/a

they are ugly = ellos es feo /a

we are sad = s nosotros  estamos tristes

she   is  American = Ella es Americana


I eak sh panish

Yo soy enana.

Ellos están feos.

Tu estás enferma.

Estamos tristes.

Ella es americana.