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My mom said I had been ungrateful for everything I had and being healthy, so she took me to the hospital to meet some kids I groaned as I didn’t want to go. We saw the receptionist and checked in, we went into the room A25 and there she was a small fragile looking little girl, she told me that she had cancer and told me of all the painful and exhausting treatments she had to go through, she had told me of all the things she wanted to do when she got better like ride a Bicycle and play with other kids. I felt so bad for her and realized how I took everything for granted. Next we visited a boy who had been born with only one leg he had told me how he wanted to run and do thing that “normal” kids could do, he exclaimed that he wanted a robotic leg but his family didn’t have enough money. We visited many other kids and by the end of the day I realized how good I had it and was much more grateful about having a strong and healthy body. We made it a custom to visit the kids every Saturday so they wouldn’t feel lonely and to play with them.