The Meaning of Freedom in the United States Between the 1860s and the 1920s In this essay, you are going to explain how the meaning of freedom changed from the Civil War until the Roaring Twenties. Your essay should at least include the following: • Introductory Paragraph: Briefly state how you think the meaning of freedom changed during this period. • Body Paragraph 1: What did freedom mean to the slaves freed after the Civil War? (Unit 1) • Body Paragraph 2: What did freedom mean to Native Americans at the end of the 19th century? (Unit 2) • Body Paragraph 3: What did freedom mean to women in the Suffrage Movement? (Unit 4) • Additional Paragraphs: Add other historical examples. Optional . Concluding Paragraph: Summarize your argument. Was there an expansion in freedom during this period? What groups gained more freedom? What obstacles remained? Provide a title to your essay and then write at least five paragraphs. Trade for trade +++....$$