- Punnett square:
H - h
H - HH (lethal) Hh (hairless)
h - Hh (hairless) hh (hairy)
- Cross: Hh × Hh (all genotypes are Hh)
- Genotypes of the P1 dogs: heterozygous (Hh)
- Genotypes of the F1 dogs: 1/3 hh; 2/3 Hh
- It is not possible to design a cross where all offspring are hairless because the H allele for hairless is lethal in homo-zygous condition (the maximum possible is 2/3 hairless individuals)
As you can see in the Punnett square above, the 1:2 ratio (i.e., 1/3 hairy and 2/3 hairless) is indicative that the hair phenotype is a single (monogenic) trait associated with a lethal allele (H allele). In this case, it should be impossible to design a true-breeding cross because the homo-zygous HH genotype is lethal. Alleles that cause the death of an organism are known as lethal alleles (in this case, the H allele). A recessive lethal allele is only lethal in the homo-zygous individuals, thereby heterozygous individuals survive and they may exhibit a normal/altered (non-lethal) phenotype.