Respuesta :
You can say “O-Genki desu ka?” to someone you are familiar and “Ikaga desu ka?” to someone you are not on casual terms.
Japan is a country in East Asia. The currency of Japan is Japanese Yen. The Capital of Japan is Tokyo.
お元気ですか? (おげんきですか?)
= Ogenki desu ka?
➡️ お = o
- This is a more polite/formal particle. Use this whenever you want to ask something in Japanese, especially to stranger.
➡️ 元気 (げんき) = genki
- "Genki" basically means "fine / healthy" in English.
➡️ です = desu
- This is the formal mandatory form for a sentence that doesn't end with "~ます (-masu)" . Use this only if the sentence doesn't end with -masu.
➡️ か = ka
- This is a question particle. So, in Japanese, if you want to ask something, don't forget to end it with か。