import random
import getpass
p1score = 0
p2score = 0
for i in range(3):
player1 = getpass.getpass("Player 1, make your move: ").lower()
player2 = "computer"
if player2 == "computer":
movenum = random.randint(1,3)
if movenum == 1:
player2 = "rock"
if movenum == 2:
player2 = "paper"
if movenum == 3:
player2 = "scissors"
if player1 == player2:
print("tie, try again")
elif player1 == "rock" and player2 == "paper":
p2score += 1
print("Paper covers Rock, Player2 wins")
elif player2 == "rock" and player1 == "paper":
p1score += 1
print("Paper covers Rock, Player1 wins")
elif player1 == "scissors" and player2 == "paper":
p1score += 1
print("Scissors cut Paper, Player1 wins")
elif player1 == "paper" and player2 == "scissors":
p2score += 1
print("Scissors cut Paper, Player2 wins")
elif player1 == "rock" and player2 == "scissors":
p1score += 1
print("Rock breaks Scissors, Player1 wins")
elif player1 == "scissors" and player2 == "rock":
p2score += 1
print("Rock breaks Scissors, Player2 wins")
f"Player 1 Score is {p1score} \n"
f"Player 2 Score is {p2score}")