Write an assembly code to implement the y=(x1+x2)*(x3+x4) expression on 2-address machine, and then display the value of y on the screen. Assume that the values of the variables are known. Hence, do not worry about their values in your code.
The assembly instructions that are available in this machine are the following:
Load b, a Load the value of a to b
Add b, a Add the value of a to the value of b and place the result in b
Subt b, a Subtract the value of a from the value of b and place the result in b
Mult b, a Multiply the values found in a and b and place the result in b
Store b, a Store the value of a in b.
Output a Display the value of a on the screen
Halt Stop the program
Note that a or b could be either a register or a variable. Moreover, you can use the temporary registers R1 & R2 in your instructions to prevent changing the values of the variables (x1,x2,x3,x4) in the expression.
In accordance with programming language practice, computing the expression should not change the values of its operand.

Respuesta :

mbly code to implement the y=(x1+x2)*(x3+x4) expression on 2-address machine, and then display the value of y on the screen. Assume that the values of the variables are known. Hence, do not worry about their values in your code.

The assembly instructions that are available in this machine are the following:

Load b, a Load the value of a to b

Add b, a Add the value of a to the value of b and pla

Universidad de Mexico