Transportation infrastructure has a negative impact on the ecosystem in a variety of ways. One of the impacts of
transportation infrastructure on ecosystems is habitat fragmentation. Fragmented habitats may then be subject to the edge
effect. The edges of habitats so unique that they have their own sets of physical conditions and communities of organisms.
When habitats become fragmented their edges often become more abrupt and transition is less gradual than it would
naturally. In a naturally occurring edge we would expect plants that tend to be shade-intolerant and tolerant of cry
conditions. Animals that colonize edges tend to be those that require two or more habitats, such as white-tailed and mule
deer, elk, cottontail rabbits, blue jays, and robins.
Consider the image above. The paving of the road on the left could result in all BUT ONE of the negative situations described
Successful invasion of non-native species.
Changes in species abundance and distribution
Chance of increased erosion and further degradation of the area.
Provide habitats for species that thrive where there is more light.

Transportation infrastructure has a negative impact on the ecosystem in a variety of ways One of the impacts of transportation infrastructure on ecosystems is h class=