you are given a fraction in the simplest form. The numerator is not zero. When you write the fraction as a decimal, it is a repeating decimal. Which numbers from 1 to 10 could be the denominator?

Respuesta :


Step-by-step explanation:Let - be a fraction in simplest form, b # 0, written

as a repeating decimal when in decimal form.

Since the only numbers which can be factors of the

denominators lead to a terminating decimal are 1, 2

and 5 (including rising to powers) and combinations

of them, it means that if the denominator has at

least one of the other numbers at the denominator,

the decimal form will be a repeating decimal.

Among the numbers from 1 to 10, the presence of

any of these numbers in the denominator will lead

to a repeating decimal:

Universidad de Mexico