I need to answer this question it super hard

Step-by-step explanation:
pi/2 is around 1.5707......
The first number is 3 (square of 36=6----------6/2=3
So 1.5707.....is LESS than 3
The last number is around 9.4247......
All numbers between these 2 numbers , except pi/2 ,are more than 3 and less than 9.4247....
pi / 2
Step-by-step explanation:
pi/2 is in the middle of those two number, because the middle of those numbers is 1.5707 and if we see is less than 3 so you have to make the square of 3 and it will give you another number that represents pi/2
I hope you understood me, because I don't even understood me, but is pi/2 trust me