Write a program that will create an array of random numbers and output the values. Then output the values in the array backwards. SPECIFICATIONS: File name: ArrayBackwards.java Your program must make use of at least one method other than main()to receive full credit (methods can have a return type of void). Suggestion: create and populate the array in the main() method. Make a method for Step 3 below and send in the array as a parameter. Make another method for Step 4 and send in the array as a parameter.

Respuesta :


The program is as follows:

import java.util.*;

public class Main{

public static void backward(int [] Rndarray, int lnt){

    System.out.print("Reversed: ");

    for(int itm = lnt-1;itm>=0;itm--){

        System.out.print(Rndarray[itm]+" ");     } }

public static void main(String[] args) {

 Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

 int lnt = input.nextInt();

 Random rd = new Random();

 int [] Rndarray = new int[lnt];

 for (int itm = 0; itm < lnt; itm++) {

        Rndarray[itm] = rd.nextInt();

        System.out.print(Rndarray[itm]+" ");



 backward(Rndarray,lnt); }}


This defines the backward() method

public static void backward(int [] Rndarray, int lnt){

This prints string "Reversed"

    System.out.print("Reversed: ");

This iterates through the array

    for(int itm = lnt-1;itm>=0;itm--){

Each element is then printed, backwards

        System.out.print(Rndarray[itm]+" ");     } }

The main begins here

public static void main(String[] args) {

 Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

This gets the array length

int  n = input.nextInt();

This creates a Random object

Random rd = new Random();

This declares the array

 int [] Rndarray = new int[lnt];

This iterates through the array for input

 for (int itm = 0; itm < lnt; itm++) {

This generates a random number for each array element

        Rndarray[itm] = rd.nextInt();

This prints the generates number

        System.out.print(Rndarray[itm]+" ");


This prints a new line


This passes the array and the length to backward() method

 backward(Rndarray,lnt); }}