Why others should speak English...
Already millions or even more speak English, it would be absurd and ignorant to make others speak another language and make another language the universal language. In my opinion English is pretty easy to learn, other languages they are super complicated, no this isn't from just me this is from actual Koreans and other peoples thoughts. if you haven't heard some languages had to make a WHOLE new alphabet so kids can easily learn faster.
Now already millions know English, some people think its hard to understand and read and etc. But to be honest a universal languages is needed, because in dire situations people need to communicate, and I'm pretty sure that in movies or references, or even drama, there is always someone with the answer but they don't know how to speak the other language.
I've come to the conclusion that English should stay the universal language. one... its easiest language to understand and learn, two... Already so many people know how to speak English, three... You cant make others change their language to something else, people have their rights and etc.