Who is in control of the conversation is Juliet, she also shows herself as the strongest character, since it is she who determines the tone of the conversation and the decisions that are made, in addition, Romeo's speeches are said due to the speeches of Juliet.
Act II, Scene 2 of "Romeo and Juliet" is the scene where Romeo is hiding in the shadows, while Juliet is on a balcony declaiming all her love for Romeo, the boy she just met. Romeo watches her and compares her to the sun, extolling the beauty and power she has, and the moment Juliet claims to love him and not worry about the family he has, Romeo comes out of the shadows and declaims the love that he feels for her. They talk and Juliet determines that they will get married and that she will send a messenger to him the next day. All of Romeo's actions and words are a reaction to Juliet's lines, which shows that she is the one who determines the tone of the conversation and the control of the scene. It is also she who decides what they will do the next day, showing that, in this scene, she is the strongest character.