As Jupiter revolves around the sun, it travels at a speed of approximately 8 miles per second. Convert this speed to miles per minute. At this speed, how many miles will Jupiter travel in 4 minutes? Do not round your answers.

Respuesta :

First to convert it you need to multiply 8 miles per second by 60 seconds because there are 60 seconds in a minute:

 8 miles    x    60 s 
1 second        1 min

The unit of seconds will cancel out so you will get 480 miles/ min

To get how far it travels in 4 min you need to multiply the speed by 4 minutes

480 miles   x  4 min
   1 min

The unit of minutes will cancel out to get 1920 miles

Therefore, jupiter travels at 480 miles per minute and in 4 minutes, it will travel 1920 miles.

Jupiter travels at 480 miles per minute and in 4 minutes, it will travel 1920 miles.

What is speed?

Speed is defined as the ratio of the time distance travelled by the body to the time taken by the body to cover the distance.

First to convert it you need to multiply 8 miles per second by 60 seconds because there are 60 seconds in a minute:

8 miles    x    60 s

1 second        1 min

The unit of seconds will cancel out so you will get 480 miles/ min

To get how far it travels in 4 min you need to multiply the speed by 4 minutes

480 miles   x  4 min

  1 min

The unit of minutes will cancel out to get 1920 miles

Therefore, Jupiter travels at 480 miles per minute and in 4 minutes, it will travel 1920 miles.

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