Respuesta :
There will be more yellow-colored frogs in the population than red-colored frogs
Available data:
- Strawberry poison dart frogs have different skin colors
- The frogs can be categorized broadly using the colors green, blue, yellow, and red.
- Frogs eaten by snakes
Number of snake attacks Frog color
145 Approx Green
180 Approx Blue
125 Approx Yellow
145 Approx Red
The phenotype of individuals and the environment where they live, interact and determines the genes´ destiny in space and time. The result of this interaction and the gene destiny is Natural Selection. Natural selection selects beneficial alleles and increases their frequency in the population.
The attack by snakes is acting as a selective pressure on the frogs´ population. It is an ecological pressure that is modeling the frogs´ phenotype.
Animals that suffer more attacks are the blue ones, followed by green and red frogs. Those that suffer the fewest number of attacks are the yellow individuals.
So natural selection will be acting on this population favoring the alleles that code for yellow color. Genes that express yellow color increase more the frogs´ fitness than genes that code for the other colors. So natural selection increases the frequency of genes coding for yellow color and will decrease the frequency of the other alleles. Probably the less favored will be genes that express blue.