1. Why did textile mill factories hire mostly women?

2. Why did the population of cities increase during the 1800s?

3. Give specific reasons why workers organized into unions?

4. How were African-American slaves viewed by most whites in Southern US society?

5. Describe the main economies of the Northern and Southern sections of the US.

6. What type of social unrest did southern society experience in the early 1800s?

7. Of the several states in the US during the 1800s to 1850s, which ones were in the North and which one were in the South? (use abbreviations)

8. Give two reasons why the need for slaves increased sharply during the early 1800s.

9. Who were Nat Turner & Denmark Vesey? What did they try to accomplish and what happened to them as a result of their actions?  

10. In the aftermath of events of social unrest in the southern US during the early 1800s, what measures were taken by states to prevent further incidents?