read and write an introduction.
A new exchange student has just transferred to your school and you are telling him/her about your likes and dislikes in school. Be sure to use complete sentences in Spanish. Use the vocabulary from this lesson and the following suggestions as a guide for your answer: *Note: The sample sentences in parentheses are just a guide to help you form your sentences. You must come up with your own original answers keeping academic integrity intact. You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿ In your explanation be sure to include: one sentence stating what day or days you have the class. Remember to use the yo form of the verb tener. (e.g., I have music on Friday.) one sentence with a school subject you do not like. Remember to use the correct format and pronoun for the verb gustar. (e.g., I don’t like biology class.) one sentence stating two school supplies you do not need for that class. Remember to use the yo form of the verb necesitar. (e.g., I don’t need glue and a ruler in biology class.)

Respuesta :


Hola! Me llamo Jasmina, voy a describir que me gusta y no me gusta sobre la escuela. Yo tomo muchas clases! cada día yo tengo matemáticas, física,  español, periodismo y arte. No me gusta la clase de matemáticas porque es muy dificil para mi. Yo necesito estudiar mucho si quiero entrar en una buena universidad. Yo recomiendo que usted toque la clase de arte porque es muy divertida. Hasta luego amigo!
