Respuesta :


According to Nehru, Gandhi "suffered for the failing of this generation whom he had trained" because the generation "went away from the path that he had shown" them. In paragraph 2, Nehru says, " [t]o praise him [Gandhi] we are not worthy."


While for tactical purposes, deceitful reasons and public consumption, Jawaharlal Motilal Ghiyasuddin Ghazi Nehru might have praised Mahatma Mohandas Modh Ambani Modh Modi Modh Gandhi, He Found it Difficult to Request Indian Sanatani Hindu Modh Sri Vaishnava Modh Ambani Modh Modi Modh Gandhi as India’s First Prime Minister on August 15, 1947.

Mahatma Gandhi, India’s Foremost Freedom Fighter, Sri Ayodhya Sri Vishnu Ram’s Greatest Devotee and India’s Indian Origin India’s Most Strident Opponent of India’s Partition and told everybody who wanted to partition India that he would not allow India’s Partition as long as he was alive and whoever wants to partition India could do it only when Mahatma Modh Ambani Modi Gandhi was on the death bed.

But, Jawaharlal Motilal Ghiaysuddin Ghazi, Vinayak Damodar Chitpavan Savarkar, Lord Louis Mountbatten and Muhammad Ali Jinnah collaborated with each and formed the four-member India’s anti-national, anti-Hindu and the traitorous evil quartet which pooled it muscle, combined strength and massive resources to go ahead and partition India on August 15, 1947 into Muslim Pakistan and Muslim East Pakistan Bangladesh to be ruled by Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Muslim Christian Mazdayasna Zoroastrian Jewish Tao Confucian Animist Jain Buddhist Sikh and Hindu India to be ruled by India’s First Foreign Governor General Lord Louis Mountbatten and India’s First Prime Minister Jawaharlal Motilal Ghiyasuddin Ghazi Nehru.

Jawaharlal Nehru was the son of Motilal Nehru and the grandson of the last Mughal Timorid Turkish Turkman Tajik Uzbek Kazakh Kyrgyz Persian Parsi Farsi Scythian Iranian Mongolian Sunni Muslim Kotwal of Delhi Ghiyasuddin Ghazi during the 1857 Indian Soldier Sepoy Mutiny under the last Mughal Timorid Turkish Turkman Tajik Uzbek Kazakh Kyrgyz Persian Parsi Farsi Scythian Mongolian Sunni Muslim Emperor of Mughal India Bahadur Shaz Zafar.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a Persian Parsi Farsi Iranian Shia Mulsim.

Vinayak Damodar Chitpavan Savarkar was a Turkish Turkman Tajik Uzbek Kazakh Kyrgyz Persian Parsi Farsi Iranian Mazdayasna Zoroastrian,

August 15, 1947 India’s First Foreign Governor General of India Lord Louis Mountbatten was a European British French Greek Scottish Welsh Irish Italian Spanish Dutch and Portuguese Christian Colonial Rulers of India both before August 15, 1947 and also after August 15, 1947. What a shame! This was due to the machinations of the traitor Jawaharlal Motilal Ghiyasuddin Ghazi Sunni Muslim Nehru