Roberto is color blind. Both of Roberto's parents are color blind. Roberto also has a brother and a sister, but neither have been tested for the color blindness phenotype. Roberto's wife Linda has full color vision. Both of Linda's parents have full color vision. Linda's maternal grandfather (her mother's father) has full color vision, while her maternal grandmother (her mother's mother) is color blind. Linda's fraternal grandfather (her father's father) is color blind, while her fraternal grandmother (her father's mother) has full color vision.

Based on the pedigree you constructed and information provided, explain the inheritance pattern for this trait. Be sure to identify (A) whether the trait is autosomal or sex-linked, and (B) dominant or recessive, and then (C) explain how you identified the inheritance pattern.

Respuesta :

Answer: color blindness is an x linked recessive trait


color blindness is an x linked recessive trait as the pedigree shows the following features:

no skipping of generations

affected fathers have carried to daughters

affected mothers have affected sons

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