Thank you very much if you can help!

1. What was the Spanish Inquisition? How did Spain try to spread Catholicism in Europe? How did Spain spread Catholicism on other continents?

2. How did the Greeks contribute to the Scientific Revolution? How did the Jewish people contribute? How did the Muslim people contribute? How did the Renaissance scholars contribute?

3. What are the 2 specific ways the Catholic Church tried to stop the spread of the Protestant religion?

4. What was the Peace of Augsburg? What was the Edict of Nantes? What was the Peace of Westphalia? DId these 3 events reduce the power of the Pope or increase his power?

Again thank you so much if you can help me.

Respuesta :


1. y 718 the Muslims were in control of nearly the whole Iberian Peninsula. In the aftermath of the Reconquista and the Inquisition, Catholicism. They  saw the brief spread of Arianism, Catholic religion coalesced in Spain at the time.  in which the other European powers tried to assume power over the Spanish monarchy. y 1250, nearly all of Iberia was back under Christian rule, with the exception of. They saw the brief spread of Arianism, Catholic religion coalesced in Spain at the time. Under Philip II, the Spanish empire included territories on every continent

2. The Greeks made significant and original contributions to mathematics and geometry, but much less so to science, except in astronomy, in which they greatly excelled. ... Euclid of Alexandria (born around 325 bc) is referred to as the 'father of geometry'. By Dawn's Early Light: Jewish Contributions to American Culture from the Nation's Founding to the Civil War.Medieval Muslims created beautiful gardens and courtyards. Medieval Muslim cities were often carefully planned and featured such advanced amenities. As such, throughout the early Renaissance many people began to study at schools that specialized in humanism. As such, scholars such as Petrarch, Erasmus, Guillaume Budé, and Michel de Montaigne helped advanced the ideals of humanism and caused the Renaissance to spread throughout Europe.

3. The catholic church tried to stop the spread of Protestantism by excommunicating, military repression and counter reformation. Explanation: Protestant Reformation began in Europe during the 16th century to challenge the religious and political practices of the Roman Catholic church.

4. Peace of Augsburg: Signed in 1555, made it possible for rulers of the Holy Roman Empire to choose between Protestantism or Catholicism as their choice of belief. Edict of Nantes: Signed in 1598, granted the Protestants of France rights in the nation. Before this event, Protestants of France were considered as heretics.The Peace of Westphalia is the collective name for two peace treaties signed in October 1648 in the Westphalian cities of Osnabrück and Münster. They ended the Thirty Years War and brought peace to the Holy Roman Empire, closing a calamitous period of European history that killed approximately eight million people.Napoleon's coronation did not on its own end the pope's influence over world politics. European governments, as they grew from city-states to nations, Though the pope's powers declined when European monarchs became, internal theology of the world's third-largest religion as it was under Benedict,



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