Implied Main Idea
Read each excerpt and determine its implied main idea. Match each excerpt with its main idea.
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Hurricanes are intensely powerful storms
that are only growing more intense.
While some say winter will be six weeks longer thanks
to the groundhog, no one really knows. One day it may
be snowing, and the next it may be sunny and warm.
Every day is different and, while we are able to see
approaching hurricanes using radar, the weather will
forever go to the beat of its own drum.
Tropical cyclones, also known as hurricanes, cause the
most damage to coastal areas because they form over
the ocean before making their way to the mainland.
Every time a hurricane strikes land, it causes millions
(sometimes billions of dollars in damage to our coastal
Meteorologists can make predictions of
hurricane movement, but the complex
conditions make certainty impossible.
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Modern technology utilizes energy to
predict what precipitation is in the
The coastal regions experience the most
damage as a result of hurricanes.
Meteorologists are able to make accurate weather
forecasts using radar technology. The radar sends
energy out into the atmosphere and determines what
type of precipitation is in the air based on how long it
takes the energy to bounce back. The heavier or thicker
the precipitation, the longer it takes the energy to
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While we may know what's coming ahead
of time, weather remains unpredictable.
Hurricanes are intense tropical storms with minimum
wind speeds of 75 miles per hour. Category five
hurricanes can have wind sneeds over 155