Four students are asked to describe a nebula and a star. Their responses
are shown in the table below. Which student described these two
celestial bodies correctly? *
Student Responses
Description of a Nebula
Description of a Star
A collection of hot gases that A sphere of dust and gases that contains
sometimes produces light from many elements and produces light from
nuclear reactions
fusion and fission reactions
A collection of hot gases that
results from stars that have
A collection of gases from several nebulae
hot enough to cause a nuclear reaction
A collection of dust and gases A sphele of matter with a density and a
that forms stars or results from temperature great enough to cause a
dying stars
nuclear reaction at its center
A collection of dust and gases A collection of hot gases that forms a
that is found near stars
sphere but produces no light
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student A

PLEASE HELP Four students are asked to describe a nebula and a star Their responses are shown in the table below Which student described these two celestial bod class=