Respuesta :


are you for segregation? are you for the mixing of the races in the public schools? do you want the Negro vote? do you favor denying the Negro his right to vote?


Are you a supporter of segregation?

Are you in favor of racial integration in public schools?

Do you want the African-American vote?

Do you think the Negro should be denied the right to vote?

The Citizens' Councils were a network of white supremacist and segregationist organizations in the United States, primarily based in the South, and formed in response to the US Supreme Court's landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision.

The following are the four questions posed by the White Citizens Council to candidates seeking public office:

  1. Do you think the Negro should be denied the right to vote?
  2. Are you in favor of racial integration in public schools?
  3. Do you want the African-American vote?
  4. Are you a supporter of segregation?

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