1. One of your friends plays video games for at least six hours each day and gets upset when he has to go eat dinner with his family. This is a sign of
an anxiety disorder.•• a phobia. bipolar disorder. an impulse-control disorder. 2. A phobia is an example of a(n) (1 point) an anxiety disorder. schizophrenia. bipolar disorder. an impulse-control disorder.•• 3. Someone who is responsible and self-disciplined displays which personality trait? (1 point)
extroversion conscientiousness•• agreeableness emotional stability 4. The search for identity usually occurs during (1 point)
early childhood. middle adulthood. late adulthood. adolescence.•• 5. Self-esteem tends to be lower during (1 point) early childhood. middle adulthood. late adulthood. adolescence.•• (1 point) 6. Bipolar disorder is an example of (1 point) (1 point) a phobia. a mood disorder.•• an impulse-control disorder. an anxiety disorder. 7. Which statement is NOT true? (1 point) Some people do not have stress.•• Stress is normal and can be positive or negative. Over a long period of time, stress can harm your health.
Stress cannot always be avoided, but it can be managed.
8. Which of the following is a good strategy to build your self-esteem? (1 point)
Take dangerous risks. Try something you’re not good at. Focus on your strengths.•• Try to be perfect. 9. _________ is another term for your sense of self. (1 point)
Identity•• Introvert Personality Self-esteem 10. ____________ is/are at the top of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. (1 point)
Physical needs Safety Esteem Self-actualization••