03.07 Surprise
Based on the Beware of the dog story
Which story did you read?
Describe the physical setting of the story. Which words or descriptions contribute to the emotional setting or mood? What is the mood that results from the author’s use of description?
What is the theme? How do the final lines of the story influence the meaning or theme of the story?
What techniques does the author use to create a surprise ending?
Were you surprised by the twist? If so, why? If not, what should the author have done to make the ending more surprising and effective?
What was your experience in reading this story? Did it evoke fear or physically have an effect on you? Why or why not?
Create a surprise ending to an original story. You don't need to write a whole story—just the twist ending. Begin with a short summary of the setting, characters, plot, and conflicts in your story. Then, write an ending to your story with an unexpected twist using the techniques learned in this lesson. You should only need two or three fully developed paragraphs. Be sure to label at least three of the techniques used to demonstrate what you've learned.
Create an alternative ending for the story you read in the lesson. Summarize any necessary changes you made in the action of the story for your surprise ending to make sense. Fully develop your alternative ending in two or three paragraphs. Demonstrate what you've learned in this lesson by labeling at least three techniques you used.

Respuesta :


Which story did you read?

Beware of the dog


Describe the physical setting of the story. Which words or descriptions contribute to the emotional setting or mood? What is the mood that results from the author’s use of description?

The story starts at a plain and ends up in the hospital. This is because the character says that when he open his eyes he saw that he had been indoors and could not remember much. When the character looks at the windows this creates suspension and mood.


What is the theme? How do the final lines of the story influence the meaning or theme of the story?

Probably the theme is don't trust strangers. On one of the last paragraph he remembers what his commander said “And if they get you, don't forget, just your name, rank and number. Nothing else. For God's sake, say nothing else.” This proves the theme of the story.


What techniques does the author used to create a surprise ending?

The author used to create a surprise ending when he jumps off the bed and crawl over towards the window. When the character stares at the window some word or phrase' 'Garden au chien'' made him remember of something.


Were you surprised by the twist? If so, why? If not, what should the author have done to make the ending more surprising and effective?

I can say I was surprised at the ending because they all pretend to care of the character but at the end it was a lie.


What was your experience in reading this story? Did it evoke fear or physically have an effect on you? Why or why not?

Honestly some of he questions I've got on mind was just like the way the story was developed like from a plane to a hospital.


The story takes time at 12:30am while walking the streets of Cocoon during the day of the fireworks went. This is an important day for the people on cocoon since it’s a day when there wishes come true even if some don't really believe in that kind of stuff.

Many people were around excited and making their wishes hoping that they will come real. I felt a whirlpool full of emotions, I felt excited, but empty inside with the lost of the two friends, but I've accomplished something that they would really want me to do. As I walk slowly towards the fireworks, my commander appears all of a sudden saying

He said ''You look quite dreamy not in a way that I've seen you before.'' 

I've responded “Its nothing commander, I-I will take the day off tomorrow it's what my sister has being begging me for this week. I shall take the train like everyone else.''

"Good then, go ahead, just stay out of trouble your identity does not support the other soldiers like Psicom.”

As soon as I sited on the train I jus wanted to get home without trouble, but when I close my eyes the train started to shake and the railroad started to fall apart I ran out and jump out of the train I missed the jump and grab on the end of road, but it broke off, and I fall into a deep, dark hole which took my memories from the pass and where presented as my future. I can't remember anything that happened, my memories are all gone I even ask myself “Who am I?'' All that I can remember is a word, no, a name the name Serah the name of someone important to whom I can't remember.


The author uses the technique of discovery to create a surprising ending. As the time goes by when he is at the hospital little not much information are been given until both the protagonist and the readers really realize his true location and then its suspicion about the other characters which are keeping him there.