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Jason Richwine talked of problems includes the facts, which integration begins to stall among Latinos after the 2nd generation but doesn't emerge through the lower class. He also said that partly the reason is due to the legacy of White Racism as well as other things that make each other think those who are never really "Americans." "An U.s Latinos asked for a 2002 Pew Research Center Investigation," Richwine says "How many terms they'd use to describe themselves initially. "And over half (46%) said "American", "Since many say they identified mainly as Hispanic as well as Latino, with either one's ancient nation". It's a view of Leo Chaves on Latino immigration that was very diverse. Chaves claims issues include the fact that Latinos, "unwilling or are unable to integrate, are members of the global culture. Those who are a portion of forces from of the south of the frontier to reinvade their previously their own (Southwest of America) soil and demolish the U.s style of life." They were like the American forces. We can understand which Chaves isn't a Hispanic or Latino mass migration fan.