Respuesta :
Hi. Match the reflexive pronoun to the correct verb. 1-Me c) lavo la cara. ; 2-Te a) duchas. ; 3-Se e) afeita. ; 4-Nos d) pintamos las uñas. ; 5- Os b) cepilláis los dientes.
The matches are:
A) duchas ↔ Te
B) cepilláis los dientes ↔ Os
C) lavo la cara ↔ Me
D) pintamos las uñas ↔ Nos
E) afeita ↔ Se
The reflexive pronouns in Spanish are me, te, se, le, les, os, nos.
As well as in English, the reflexive pronuns indicate that the action falls on the same subject that performs the action.
These are the correspondence of the reflexive pronouns in English and Spanish:
------------- English -------------------------- ------------ Spanish -------------------
subject pronoun reflexive pronoun sujeto pronombre reflexivo
I myself yo me
you (singular) yourself tú te
he himself él se
she herself ella se
it itself él/ella se
we ourselves nosotros nos
you (plural) yourselves vosotros os
ustedes se
they themselves ellos se