Leader Paylor's initial life is obscure, in any case, as an inhabitant of District 8, she no doubt worked in the area's material production lines like most different residents.
Katniss initially meets Paylor when she goes to District 8's clinic to film a propo for the Airtime Assault on the Capitol. Paylor takes Katniss alongside Gale Hawthorne, Boggs, and the TV group into the clinic.
Paylor watches Katniss intently, to see if she is tough where it really counts and on the off chance that they have been on the whole correct to depend on her.
Alongside a couple of others, Paylor appeared to detect that President Coin was not a reliable person to lead the insubordination. It is conceivable that the bombarding of the Capitol kids, Paylor was disturbed herself and understood that this attack was a veneer and infringement of the arrangement to vanquish the Capitol.
For more information about Katniss, refer the following link: