Respuesta :


The United Nations General Assembly explicitly recognized the human right to water and sanitation on July 28, 2010, through Resolution 64/292, and acknowledged that clean drinking water and sanitation are essential to the realization of all human rights.The United Nations recognizes access to water and sanitation as human rights, reflecting the 

fundamental nature of these necessities in everyone's life. 

People have rights, and states have the responsibility of providing water and sanitation services.

hope that it helped....


Access too clean, fresh water is seen as a human right by the United Nations, as it is one of the three basic needs everybody need to survive. In many places  like Africa, Tajikistan, Senegal, Jakarta, Manuka, and Nairobi don't have access to clean water, or have very little water to begin with. Some get water from ditches, have to get water from a shared spot with animals, from unprotected wells filled with harmful germs and parasites, and half to walk miles for it. In other places like Senegal have no running water, or no water supplies in places such as schools, and in Jakarta, Manuka, And Nairobi they have to pay 10x the amount in water bills than people in better parts of the countries than them. As you can see, these people not having accessibility to clean and fresh water is a direct violation of their human rights, and it needs to be fixed.
