‘The foreign policy of Stresemann was the main reason Germany recovered in the 1920s’ Write on why you agree or disagree with that statement. If agree talk about: The Locarno Pact and the Kellogg-Briand Pact. If disagree talk about: The Dawes Plan and the Young Plan.

Respuesta :

Gustav Stresemann and Recovery from the 1923 crisis. He scrapped the old Currency, the mark, and brought in a new one – The Renten (temporary) mark It stopped hyperinflation and made German money worth something again. People were able to buy goods and be properly paidv increasing confidence.


This is an opinion question, you must use your own opinion with evidence.


Here is my opinion,

in the long term Stresemann didn't help towards the recovery of Germany as due to the depresssion America called back their loans that they had gived to Germany causing more internal problems.