Respuesta :


The generated mRNA sequence will be AAACGAUAUGAUAUCAUG...


DNA consists of nucleotides, which are composed of nitrogenous bases that are called Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G) and Cytosine (C). These nitrogenous bases must pair with each other for the DNA molecule to be formed. In DNA, Adenine only pairs with Timine, while Guanine only pairs with Cytosine. In this case, we can say that the nitrogenous bases pair with other bases that are complementary to them.

The mRNA is formed from the DNA and the enzyme that produces the mRNA, uses the sequence of nitrogenous base pairs of DNA to produce the mRNA, however, the mRNA does not have the Thymine base, but the Uracil (U) base that pairs with Adenina. In this case, when the DNA contains the Adenine base, the mRNA produced will present the Uracil base. When the DNA has the Guanine base, the mRNA will have the cytosine base.

Thus, a DNA with the base sequence TTTgctatactatagtac will present an mRNA with the base sequence AAACGAUAUGAUAUCAUG ...