Match the composer or term with the appropriate definition.

Idée fixe
a. French composer of program symphonies

Hector Berlioz
b. Changes in a melody throughout a programmatic work

Thematic transformation
c. A recurring melody

Franz Liszt
d. Composer who developed the symphonic poem

“Dies irae”
e. A medieval chant

Fill in the blank with the correct answer.

A group of Russian composers known as _________ wanted Russian music to be based on Russian culture, without outside influences.
Bedřich Smetana lived and worked in the country of _________ now part of the Czech Republic.
“The Moldau” is based on a _________ in Bohemia.
Nationalistic music may depict scenes or events in a country or may include melodies from _________.
_________ composed nationalistic music out of love for his native Poland.