1. The paired digits 00 to 99 represent 100 shots.
Let 00 to 72 = a shot that is saved. Which digits represent a goal scored? Explain.
Write your answer in the space below.
The answer is 73 to 99
2. Each group represents the 5 shots taken by the other team. To win the game, the Ice blades cannot let the other team score any goals.
For a group to be a success, how many of the 5 shots does the goalie need to save?
Write your answer in the space below.
The answer to the question Is all 5.
3. Group 1 is a success. Explain why.
Write your answer in the space below.
Group 1 is a success because none of the numbers 73 and 99 show up.
4. In this simulation, which groups are successes? How many successes are there in the 10 groups?
Write your answer in the space below.
There are 3.
5. Estimate the probability the Ice blades will win the game. Give your answer as a percent.
Write your answer in the space below.
Step-by-step explanation: