In the paragraph beginning on page 2 and
ending on the top of page 3, Kennedy uses the
word "torch' as
John F Konnody was tho thirty-fifth prosidont of the Unitod
Statos. In January 1981, whon Konnody govo this spooch at
his inauguration as president, tho Cold War was raging
botwoon tho Unitod Stotos and the Soviot Union. Foar of
communism and its throat to domocrotia principlos was
widosproad and pooplo foarod that doadly nucloor
woopons could be usod at any momont
John F. Kennedy's Inaugural
an allusion to old-fashioned values
a metaphor for modern innovation
a simile comparing America to other nations
We observe today not a victory of party but a
celebration of freedom-symbolizing an end
as well as a beginning-signifying renewal as
well as change. For I have sworn before you
and Almighty God the same solemn oath our
forbears prescribed nearly a century and
three-quarters ago.
a symbol of inherited civic responsibility
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