One January day, on his usual begging tour, he tramped despondently up and down the region round about Mincing Lane and Little East Cheap, hour after hour, bare-footed and cold, looking in at cook-shop windows and longing for the dreadful pork-pies and other deadly inventions displayed there—for to him these were dainties fit for the angels; that is, judging by the smell, they were—for it had never been his good luck to own and eat one.
The above sentence found in the excerpt shows that Tom County was not satisfied with simply being a pretend prince. He longed for other things such as good food and some of the pastries he found at the cook-shop windows.
Even after his wishful memories of being a prince, Tom will still go out to beg for food and also look longingly at some of those pies he believed were meant for angels and not humans like him. This detail from the text shows that Tom wished for other things apart from being a mock prince.