Enter the correct term in the blanks.
a. The circulatory system is made up of the heart plus all of the _______________________ and ___________________________________.
b. When we breathe, a large muscle called the _____________________ helps us draw oxygen into our lungs.
c. The ___________________________ filter our blood.
d. The right side of the heart pumps blood only to the ______________________ .
e. The human heart has _______________ chambers.
f. The top chambers of the heart are each called the _________________.
g. The bottom chambers of the heart are each called the ___________________ .
h. The liquid part of the blood is called ___________________________ .
i. The _________ system breaks down food for the body's cells.
j. Digestion begins in the ____________________with the teeth and _____________.
k. The liver produces ____________________, which acts on fat.
l. The ___________________ system is the body's garbage service.
m. The _________________________ are the main excretory organs.