Respuesta :
Moctezuma says to Cortes, ¨Oh Lord, you must be tired and weary, you have arrived on the earth, you have come to govern the city of Tenochtitlan which I have looked after for you and now it has been fulfilled. You have come!¨
According to a prophecy Cortes was a returning god coming from a distant world.
According to a prophecy, Quetzalcoatl had centuries earlier banished from the gulf coast. Priests from the cult of the feathered serpent had left Mexico from the same coast which Cortes had arrived and legend claimed the god had light skin. The god Quetzalcoatl promised to one day return. In the mid 1500s, the Spanish arrived with armor, cannons and horses.
Moctezuma had reason to worry whether he believed the prophecy or not. Many subjugated people throughout the Aztec Empire embraced the story of the feathered serpent and awaited his return, (It was in their hearts that he would come).
He was confused as to fight or to welcome Cortes as his people expected. He said to the stranger in the center of the empire something like ¨Oh Lord, you must be tired and weary, you have arrived on the earth, you have come to govern the city of Tenochtitlan which I have looked after for you and now it has been fulfilled. You have come!¨
Motecuhzoma seemed to have given the throne to the invaders or maybe he did believe that he was the returning god. Some believe he was confused and was just buying time but he was killed by the Spanish.