Respuesta :

Two were Squanto, Samosoet and an extra is Massasoit

Squanto/Tisquantum: Squanto or Tisquantum was a native American man from the Patuxet tribe, best known for the close relationship he had with the Mayflower Pilgrims. Squanto was initialy kidnapped by English explorer Thomas Hunt, who took him to Spain. There, he was educated and evangelized by monks, eventually returning to America in 1619.

Samoset: Samoset was an Abenaki sagamore considered the first American Indian to make contact with the pilgrims of Plymouth Colony. He lived in what is now the territory of the state of Maine. He was able to learn some English, and when he first contacted the pilgrims, he walked into the colony and greeted them in English and ordered a beer, which greatly startled them.