
In which of the following pieces does the characters motivation to visit another world change the existing world?
A. Nolan Bushnell
B. sound of thunder
C. The secret life of walter mitty
D. All watched over by machines of loving Grace

Respuesta :

Sound of Thunder, obviously. Traveling through time. Pretty obvious answer if you know what the options are.


For connections kidsssss :P


2. Old mutt

3. Having sounds happen at the same time as action

4. Path

5. Showing Contempt

6. Influential

7. "... He was one of the youngest ham radio operators....."

8. He believes that gaming and technology can help grow the brain to expand one's learning

9. People to be free from work

10. It provides an escape from his overly controlling wife

11. Eckels stepping on a butterfly and killing it

12. I think that advertising actually serves a useful purpose

15. A sound of thunder

16. completely engaged, motivated, and excited by

18. Choose two of the other worlds described in the unit.

I'll be comparing the lives/stories of Walter and Eckel from "The secret life of Walter Mitty" & "Sound of Thunder"

At first glance, it seemed to me that the two individuals were very different. But I took side notes and here's the two main things I noticed...

Similar- They both have the lust for adventure. Which is one of the reasons I connected to the characters and plots (of the story). Anyhow, once Eckels finds what he's been seeking he realizes it's too much for him.

Different-  One difference is that Walter never actually went on adventure, he just spent time fantasizing about it.

Walter's story is sort of like Disney's movie/film "Up" Ellie dreams of traveling to Paradise Falls (South Africa) but ended up getting caught up in life.

Hope this helps guysss :3  

You should get a C+ with these answers (meaning you'll need to figure out the 4 other answers)